Common computer repair issue - Folder not found
Why are you seeing this error? What caused it, and can it be fixed?
Why are you seeing this?
Mac OS can not read the system start up files. This could mean that 1) you have a software problem, 2) a hardware problem or 3) a combination of the two.
What caused it, and can it be fixed?
In our Apple (Mac) repair business we see this often and there are three main reasons this occurs.
Reason number one, software issues.
A failed software or Mac OS operating system update. When updating your Mac laptop or desktop computer we are prompted to "make sure the system is plugged in" and "don't not power down" while updating. Interupting a computer while it is updating it Apple software by restarting, or unplugging it can create corruption in the computer's system files. Another way it can be interupted is when you try to update its operating system, but you have less than 35gigs of free storage. Mac OS operating system updates (from one version to another) require approximately 35gigs of free space to run.
If you are a MacAir user and you see this while trying to update, there is a good chance it is because you did not have another free storage.
Reason number two, hardware issues.
File not found, spinning wheel errors and not boot up on a Mac computer can also be sign of a failed drive. When drive failure occurs the system tries to find critical start up files, but can't resulting in the "file folder" error. In other cases the user will be confronted by the "Apple loading screen" with no bar progress. This lack of progress means that the operating system cannot go further due to drive problems.
In older Macs the solution to this is to replace the bad drive, in new M1+ Macs things are much more complicated. With new Apple silicon Macs the drive is integrated into the motherboard. Thus if the drive fails, often the solution is a new board, or a new Mac. While some repair shops have been experimenting with chip swaps, taking the old drive chips off of the Apple silicon board, and replacing the bad chips with good ones, not many places do this kind of work.
The fact that Apple has moved to intergrated storage in all of its Apple silicon systems, backing up one's data is even more important than before.
Reason number three, a combination of both.
Of course if the drive is failing, this will cause the operating system to also fail and with it corruption of data. In the event that you are experiencing an issue with your Mac computer, call the computer repair experts at RescueTECH, or stop by our office at 2225 14th Avenue. We are open 10am - 5:30pm weekdays, closed Provincial statutory holidays.