$2500 for a new Macbook Pro or $200 for a Windows 11 desktop with 23" LED screen... to watch Youtube videos?

Kids trying to convince you that they NEED a $2500 Macbook just to look up school work on Google Docs. Ah... no. They don't NEED it, but they want it. At RescueTECH, we've got you covered in these crazy expensive times.

Get a Windows 11 Pro desktop with i5/16GB RAM/256GB SSD drive for $125. Add a 23" LED monitor for $45. With taxes, it's $188.70... under $200!

If you are you anything like me, my computers are for gaming, video watching, social media updates, and oh yes, the occasional work 😂. Do I prefer a laptop? Yes, indeed. Do I really need one? Not quite. Most days, my computer stays put in one spot, almost like a desktop. In fact, I even use a docking station with my laptop to connect to a larger monitor if I fancy.

All this got me thinking. If you're like me, using your computer for general office tasks, videos, and social media, do you really need a pricey laptop? And let's talk about those $2500 laptops! Would I love one? Absolutely! But have you seen the grocery bills lately?! Everything seems to be getting pricier.

Now, picture this: You need another computer, maybe for home or business. Did you know you can snag an up-to-date desktop with a monitor, running Windows 11 Pro, for around $200?

We're open 10am - 5:30pm weekdays and located at 2225 14th Avenue.

Check them out on our "used computer page" or stop by the office. 

Note prices as of April 4th 2024.  Subject to change without notice.